There has been a lot in the media lately regarding Family Day Care Schemes rorting the system in Australia. It saddens us greatly and is giving Family Day Care in general a bad name within the community. It is time to rid the sector of these fraudulent Schemes and repair the image of Family Day Care. Our community deserves it.
Collective Family Day Care will ensure that we meet all the requirements set down by the State and Federal Governments. We intend on being a respected and reputable Scheme educators and families can trust.
Educators invest so much time and effort in building a successful business where the needs of children and their families are at the forefront. Collective FDC is determined to protect educators investments.
We have been asked several times by educators what is our ‘ point of difference’ compared to other schemes. We do have a list which consists of the usual such as a yearly conference, free professional development, advertising and so on but after reflecting on this we can honestly and unashamedly say that our ‘ point of difference’ is us; our team. We believe in ourselves; we trust our abilities; we take our responsibilities seriously; we are reflective; we are researches; we are determined and the most important aspect we have to offer is, we are approachable.
Collective FDC is about everyone working together so that we have a scheme that is transparent, professional and trustworthy while providing a high quality education and care service that is respected within the community.
Educators entrust your business with us… we will not let you down.