Family Day Care Blacktown – A career choice

Family Day Care Blacktown. Opening a family day care service is a career choice made by many passionate qualified early childhood educators.

Some family day care educators start out in childcare centres and for one reason or another decide to open their own family day care service in their home where they successfully run a small business and form lasting relationships with children, families and the wider community.

Family Day Care has been operating in Australia for over 40 years. It is a growing sector subjected to the same rigorous regulations as mainstream childcare and has proven to be a more affordable and flexible option for families needing care.

Family Day Care Blacktown also offers something special that is often lost in large care facilities; a personal touch. With educator to child ratios set at four to one, family day care educators get the opportunity to really get to know the individual child and to form close partnerships with their families.This often leads to better outcomes.

Family day care educators are registered via registered schemes such as Collective Family Day Care Scheme. The registered scheme is eligible to claim government rebates on behalf of families that are using the educator’s service. The scheme is accountable to the regulatory departments and provides support and regulates the educators providing the care.

In NSW, Family Day Care is regulated by multiple bodies:

Just like in childcare centres, Collective Family Day Care Blacktown educators must meet the following requirements;

  • Have or be working towards a minimum of certificate lll in Children’s Services
  • A Working with Children’s Check clearance (WWCC)
  • First Aid Certificate
  • Asthma and anaphylaxis management training
  • Child protection training
  • A Police Check
  • Food Handlers Certificate if providing food
  • A safe and secure venue

Collective Family Day Care Blacktown offers educators the opportunity to have a rewarding professional career where they are supported to build their business by offering high quality, affordable and flexible care for their local community.

If you are interested in finding out more about Collective Family Day Care Blacktown either as an educator or a family needing care feel free to contact us; we are always available to answer your questions and help where we can.


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